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Phoenix Wind Factor

Throughout Benchrest and other airgun competitions, the environmental conditions have a high influence upon your score. 

When in perfect conditions, a score has a different reflection on your skill level of that achievement than if you acieved the same score in difficult wind.  

In Airgun Benchrest, there is no "Difficulty Factor" for wind that exists, until now.  

We have disseminated a formula to quantify the enviromental conditions that takes into consideration the increased difficulty of a score in different wind conditions.  This is a rating that is applied to the conditions of the day. This, in conjunction with our recognition levels, it provides a  very accurate barometer of your skill level. 




Sustained wind:


Zero wind constant =0

0 to < 3 mph = 1

3 to < 5 mph =2

5 to < 7 mph =3

7 to < 10 mph =4

10 to < 15 mph =5

15 to > mph = 6


Gusts (wind greater than constant):


0 to < 3 mph =1

3 to < 5 mph = 2

5 to < 7 mph = 3

7 to < 10 mph = 4

10 to < 15 mph = 5

15 to > mph = 6


Here is how it works...


Blah Blah 

Accomplished Medalist


Gold Medal:

  • joe blow

  • jr joe blow

  • joe blow

  • jr joe blow

  • jane dow


Silver Medal:

  • joe blow

  • jr joe blow 

  • jane dow


Bronze Medal:

  • joe blow

  • jr joe blow

  • john dow​



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